Contract: Fletcher Savarin aka Failsafe Part 1

[There is a clock on this contract for 8 segments. When the clock hits zero the Contract escapes its current location and the vow progress resets.]

[Swear an iron vow Mainframe to Apprehend Fletcher Savarin (dangerous vow): Strong Hit: 5 + 3 + 1 = 9 vs 7 | 4 +2 momentum (4)]

[Set a course to Sisyphus w/Supply: Strong Hit: 6 + 5 + 0 = 11 vs 6 | 7 +1 momentum (5)]

[Begin a Session: Flashback reveals an aspect of your background or nature]

Aurora Taylan, the fugitive known as Static, sat at a booth in a little dive bar known as the Rusty Traveler at Nemesis Station sipping her drink as Marshal sat down across from her.

"It looks like you found me, Marshal," she said sipping her drink. "Now what? 

"Now I bring you in," Marshal said.

"I don't think so, Marshal. I'm not going anywhere. I kind of like it here." Aurora said as she put her drink down and took a bite of a burrito.

"I'm not asking you," Marshal said as he leaned back in the seat. 

"I can pay you a lot of money to just walk away and forget you saw me," Aurora said as she put a credit chip on the table in between them. "Name your price."

"I can't be bought, Static. Let's go." Marshal said as he put his hand on his gun.

"What are you going to do? Pull out your gun and shoot me in the middle of this place?" Aurora laughed.

"If I have to. Time's up Static." 

Aurora leaned forward, her hand slipping under the table, and grinned.

Marshal drew his gun and shot Aurora between the eyes. She slumped forward, face first, onto her plate of burritos, a gun falling to the floor at her feet.

The chime woke Marshal from his sleep.

"We are coming out of the drift, Marshal." Asha, the ship's system, said over the intercom. 

Marshal got out of bed and splashed water on his face as the Hand of Fate shuddered as it slipped into normal space.

"Start recharging the e-drive." He said as he left his room and made his way to the bridge.

"As you wish, Marshal." the computer said.

Once on the bridge, Marshal sat at the command console and pulled up the file on Fletcher Savarin.

Fletcher Savarin, aka Failsafe

Wanted Fugitive for the crimes of murder, arson, and racketeering. 

Failsafe is a compulsive gambler, an excellent storyteller, and is addicted to alcohol.

Stays calm under pressure, thinks outside the box, likes to fight dirty, and is a night owl

The current known location is Sisyphus Settlement on the planet Osiris

"Marshal, two corvette class ships are on an intercepting course," Asha says.

"Put it on screen, Asha."

 On the viewscreen, Marshal sees two corvette class ships traveling at high-speed closing in on the Hand of Fate.

"Scan the ships, Asha."

[Gather information: Miss: 4 + 3 + 0 = 7 vs 9 | 9, Pay the price: A new enemy is revealed]

"Nothing is coming up Marshal. They must have some kind of jamming technology to block scans." 

The Hand of Fate's communicator beeped. Marshal opened the channel.

Unknown gunship, you are entering Osiris Space without authorization. Please turn around or you will be fired upon." 

"This is the Bounty Hunter vessel Hand of Fate. I have a contract onboard your station and will be landing to carry it out." Marshal said.

"Negative Hand of Fate. You are not authorized to be here."

[Compel with iron: Miss: 2 + 2 + 0 = 4 vs 7 | 9 Pay the Price: You are in harm’s way]

"Are you telling me I'm not allowed to pursue my bounty on your planet?" Marshal says in confusion. "You do know my authority supersedes your local laws on Osiris, right?"

[Enter the Fray: Strong Hit: 6 + 3 + 0 = 9 vs 8 | 6 +2 momentum (7) I'm in control. Because Marshal is now in combat it is delaying his Bounty. I added one tick to the clock. Now at 7]

 The Corvette on the left opens fire with its disrupters but I was prepared for this and rolled out of the way, the disruptors missing me.

"Asha, target their engines. I don't want to kill them at the moment." Marshal said as he pulled up the weapons controls and opened fire on the ship to the right.

[Strike with Edge: Strong Hit: 2 + 4 + 0 = 6 vs 1 | 3 Mark 2 progress (4 boxes) Stay in control]

The Hand of Fate was a state-of-the-art Bounty Hunter Gunship. Most people know them on sight and give them a wide berth. Two Corvettes were no match for the Hand of Fate. Even though they opened fire first, Marshal didn't want to complicate matters down on the planet by destroying these two ships.

The Hand of Fate's phaser struck true and easily disabled the first Corvette, leaving it dead in space. As the second Corvette flew past the Hand of Fate, Marshal pulled up the rear phasers and opened fire once again.

[Strike with Edge: Weak Hit: 4 + 4 + 0 = 8 vs 8 | 6] Mark 2 progress (8 boxes) you are in a bad spot]

I was able to hit the Corvette but missed its engines. I could see on my viewscreen a hull breach in the side of the Corvette but it was still in action. The Corvette was a fast ship and was able to maneuver behind me as it opened fire with its disruptors.

[Clash: Weak Hit: 4 + 4 + 0 = 8 vs 10 | 5] mark progress (10 boxes) but you are dealt a counterblow or setback. You stay in a bad spot and must Pay the Price. Obviously, I got shot] 

[Withstand Damage Strong Hit: 6 + 4 + 0 = 10 vs 5 | 3 Bypass the damage: If your vehicle is not battered, take +1 integrity (5)]

The disruptors hit the Hand of Fate in the aft section of the ship but sensors show that no real damage occurred except for a few scorch marks. I was able to return fire with my rear phasers and scored a solid hit to the Corvette but I couldn't shake him from behind me.

[React under fire: Strong Hit: 6 + 4 + 0 = 10 vs 4 | 3 You are in control +1 momentum (8)]

The Hand of fate wasn't as fast as a Corvette but It was extremely durable and had triple the firepower. I wasn't too worried about the Corvette but I needed to end this quickly to get back to my bounty.

I cut power to my engines and rolled to the right hoping the Corvette wouldn't slam into me and it paid off. The Corvette sailed right past me as I opened fire on its engines.

[Progress Roll: Fight off the Corvettes: Strong Hit = 10 vs 9 | 2 You succeed +1 momentum (9)] [Reach a milestone on my vow to apprehend Failsafe. (2 boxes marked)] 

The Hand of Fate's phasers struck true and disabled the Corvette's engines, leaving it dead in space. My communicator chimed.

"Incoming call from the lead Corvette Marshal," Asha says.

"Ignore it and set a course for Sisyphus Settlement," Marshal says as he begins to run a scan of Sisyphus settlement.

[Gather Information: Strong Hit: 3 + 3 + 0 = 6 vs 3 | 2 Discover what you need to do +2 momentum (10)]

Information began to fill his monitor about Sisyphus.

Sisyphus Settlement current population: 4372

Current Leader is Azriel Griffin, Callsign Buzz

Sisyphus Settlement is known for its Research into the Decay of the Planet Osiris and its War on Pirates

Sisyphus Settlement is of a Multilevel design where the lower-class members of its society are on the bottom level, while its upper-class members sit at the top. 

Rumors report that the Authority in Sisyphus is corrupt and its lead chief officer is a man by the name of Alex Nazari, Callsign Gutshot

Marshal pulled up all the information on Gutshot.

Alex Nazari Callsign Gutshot

Height 6'2" Weight 196lbs

Green tattoo on his face

Current Role in Sisyphus: Chief of Police

Gutshot is known to be very charismatic, has a great interest in knives, and is an expert in their use.

he never backs down and is always ready for a fight. He is Ironsworn

"Very interesting. A corrupt ironsworn in charge of the police." Marshal says to himself. "he's the one that would have told the Corvettes to not let me approach Sisyphus. I should have a talk with him."

After looking at a few more things on the screen, Marshal pulled up the locations of the bars located on the lower levels of Sisyphus. He transferred the information to his datapad and all the current information about Gutshot and Buzz.

[Ask the Oracle Will Gutshot have people waiting for me at Sisyphus when I land? I gave it a likely outcome: Yes]

"We are about to land Marshal. Control told me to land on pad 4," Asha said.

[End Scene.  Current Stats: Health 5 Spirit 5 Supply 5 Momentum 10. made an enemy: Gutshot. Current progress on vow 2 boxes. Current Clock on Vow 7]
